Meopta Scopes vs Leupold Scopes

Another common question that I was asked about customers who were just being introduced to the Meopta line of rifle scopes was focused on using another popular scope brand compared to Meopta. That approach somewhat makes sense as the answer can help quantify the quality of Meopta. The most common comparison-based question I was asked … Read more

Comparing Leupold vs Nikon Scopes

Leupold VX-3i 4.5-14x40 Scope

At last check, there are probably 50+ different rifle scope brands on the market, and new manufacturers pop up every year. Inevitably, all the different brands lead to comparisons and brand-based opinions comparing one brand to another. As one of the most popular US-based brands, Leupold is frequently included as a comparison point for other … Read more

Leupold vs Vortex: Who Makes the Better Scope?

When discussing U.S.-based riflescope brands, the two most well-known brands are (arguably) Leupold and Vortex. Both brands offer a variety of models to suit different rifles, budgets, and shooting needs. Given the popularity of both brands, it only makes sense that prospective scope buyers have a number of questions about each brand. A common request … Read more

Overview of Leupold Scopes Serial Numbers

Example of Leupold Scope Serial Location

Leupold Optics is one of the premier sporting optics brands in the world and has established a near-fanatical following with shooters and hunters in the United States. Due to their overall popularity, it’s no surprise that I spend a substantial amount of time answering or trying to answer questions associated with the Leupold different Leupold … Read more

A Comparison of the Leupold Rifleman vs VX1 Scope Models

Leupold Rifleman vs VX1

Trying to compare scopes from two different scope makers is always a challenge as it may not be an apples-to-apples comparison. However, at my day job, I’m routinely asked to compare one scope to another or asked if scope X is better than scope Y? I recently received an email from someone asking me to … Read more