What do Rifle Scope Numbers Mean?

STAC-4-20X50 with MOA 2 Reticle

If you are just starting out shopping for a rifle scope, there are all kinds of numbers and terms that you may want to become familiar with. Those terms and numbers will help you navigate the sometimes-confusing world of rifle scopes. And, if you’re anything like me, you certainly don’t want to walk into a … Read more

Why is My Rifle Scope Blurry?

Bushnell Elite Tactical 4.5-30 scope

There are several reasons as to why a rifle scope might look blurry when you look through it. The solutions to remedy that situation range from fairly simple all the way to having to send the scope in for evaluation and repair. So let’s start with the simple reasons why the scope might be blurry: … Read more

What is Scope Eye Relief and How is it Adjusted?

Example of Properly Set Eye Relief

Judging from the number of questions and emails I get regarding various aspects of rifle scopes, one of the more confusing scope related topics seems to be the concept of eye relief, and how to change or adjust it. As such, I thought I’d take some time to go over the concept of eye relief … Read more

FFP Scopes versus SFP Scopes – Which is Better?

FFP reticle on 20X

If you’ve been shopping for a new rifle scope or considering a new rifle scope, there’s an excellent chance that you’ve seen or come across a reference to a first focal plane scope, or as it’s more commonly called, an FFP rifle scope. These days, at the scope counter, some of the more common questions … Read more

Understanding Rifle Scope Rings and Bases

Rifle Scope Rings

So you’ve bought your new rifle scope, and now need to start the process of actually mounting it to your rifle. Now is the time to start thinking about scope bases and/or scope rings. Bases and rings mean different things, but both are directly related to mounting a scope on a rifle, shotgun, or pistol. … Read more